Nostalgia & connection….

…with a dash of fun

Hi, hello!

I make art because it quiets my sometimes anxious mind, and because it just plain makes me happy. My hope is that you’re here because it makes you happy, too.

I want to celebrate human connection and love in all its many forms.

Glimpses of my Studio…

Oh, yeah- I also take beautiful

photos of people.

Tehya makes having your photo taken fun. Her warmth and playfulness make it easy to relax and be yourself. Oh and the final outcome is beautiful too.
— Ciara M

*Everyone, no matter who you are or who you choose to love, is welcome ‘round these parts. You deserve love, and you deserve to celebrate it loudly.

follow me on Instagram

I post about my process, upcoming collections, new work… and occasionally my canine studio mate, Zuzu.